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Belgium Weekender
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17-19th September 2004
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Day 1 – Travel, Tivoli Gardens
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Day 2 – BonBon Land, Bakken
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Day 3 – Tivoli Gardens, Liseberg
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Mark Riley
After already visiting Scandinavia and Germany, it was time for another European trip! This time the destination was Belgium and two of Europe’s premier parks.
Bobbejaanland celebrated 2004 by building three major new rides! Members were able to enjoy a morning ERS on Typhoon, the second Gerstlauer 97º drop coaster. This compact but intense ride really kicked off the weekend of riding in a big way!
The park really rolled out the red carpet at the end of the day. Before the planned lunch, the park surprised everyone by giving members the last few spins on Speedy Bob. Then, following the excellent BBQ meal, those with a strong stomach were treated to some after-hours spins on the mighty Sledgehammer! Everyone left Bobbejaanland very happy!
Six Flags Belgium impressed a lot of people. The park welcomed the group with an ERS on Loup-Garou, the Vekoma wooden coaster. This impressive wooden coaster was added to the park under Six Flags and was very well received by the group.
Among the many other rides at the park, two stood out as being exceptional. Challenge of Tutankhamen was added to the park last year and is a very impressive shoot-them-up style dark ride which most of the group headed for following the ERS. The other very impressive ride is Turbine, a partially enclosed Schwarzkopf shuttle loop. For those who miss Alton’s Thunder Looper, this was a much needed shot in the arm.
Greg Pearn
Again it was another great trip with the ECC
Thanks to everyone who played a part in organising the weekend.
Bobbejaanland was as good (better in fact) than I remember it. The new rides for 2004 have really put them on the map. Their hospitality was greatly appreciated and the BBQ finished off a prefect day.
SF Belgium was a surprise for the better. My last visit to the park was only a year ago and I found it a frustrating place to say the least!
Sunday’s visit was a refreshing change – minimal queues, rides run well and overall a nice park to visit.
We took the option of meeting the group at the parks which meant an extended stay in Europe. A couple of side trips and a visit to Toverland made a good weekend in to a great week. Booster Bike is excellent
Thanks again everyone involved – more weekend trips to mainland Europe please!
Rich Foster (and Donna)
A few more words about the Belgium trip..
Seemed like Eurotunnel had it in for us – we had some problems both ways through no fault of our own! thankfully nothing that couldn’t be fixed..
I for one was really amazed to see so many new faces on the trip.. Hello to everyone who I met – I won’t list names but you know who you are I appreciate its pretty scary on your first trip, and I hope it wasn’t too bad..
Seriously though, if there was anything we could do to make first-timers more welcome and to reduce the anxiety (!) then please do let me know.
It was my first visit to Bobbejaanland, and I liked the place. they have a great collection of rides, with some very new and unique attractions.
Personally Revolution stood out for me – what an original idea brilliantly done..
Enjoyed Indiana River too – the indoor log flume. Much singing of the Indiana Jones theme took place as we floated past statues studded with “jewels.”
Six Flags Belgium turned out better than expected – our unofficial takeover of Turbine being the highlight for me. It received spontaneous applause at the end too. a treasure..
The Tutankhamen shooting attraction was very slick – and nice to have big targets that required accurate shooting. The only trick I think they are missing is printing your score on the ride photos (as Tomb Blaster at CWoA does). They could also show which ending you got..
Other than that, a very pleasant day all round, and different to our last visit here!
Hope to see everyone again soon, til then take care.
Margaret Drinkwater
It was my first visit to both parks. Bobbejaanland was outstanding for the range of rides. Virtually every one had an unusual feature. Apart from the big new attractions (on which much has been written) I would also like to mention the fun provided by the other rides.
The El Rio rapids where your tub disappears under a whirlpool took me by complete surprise. The indoor log flume (a Valhalla prototype?) The horse pedalos with a lift hill. The Air Race swing was only the second such coaster I have ridden and reminded me so much of the old Vampire cars at CWoA. The Bobby Drop – 30 mins wait for a short ride but such fun. I regretted missing (due to down time) the newer version of this at Parc Asterix during the Club’s visit there last year. How I wish we could have something like this at CWoA or Thorpe – a family water ride where you don’t get wet. Finally the Pirate Boat on a track. I had never seen anything like this before. In my opinion the ride lost some of the airtime of the swinging variety and it was a bit “rumbly” but nevertheless different.
Six Flags Belgium also provided some good thrills. Top of my list was the Tutankhamen shooting challenge. This was a surprise as I normally find these sort of attractions only moderately entertaining and hand aching.
This was different, lightweight guns, noises when you score and superb theming. The only regret was not seeing the route taken by the top scorers (but I suppose it was to be expected!) The other rides were all good fun.
If I had had my time again I would not have ridden the rapids at this park – the wettest I have ever come across.
David Elvy
I would like to say a huge THANK YOU for a great weekend trip to Belgium. It was my first trip with ECC, and I had a great time.
Alan Prior
My favourite ride at Six Flags could only be Turbine (or Thunder Looper as we know it). An absolutely awesome experience with massive amounts of re-rideability.
Mike Sheridan
Bobbejanland was great fun. The barbeque was a lovely surprise and solved that evening’s eating and entertainment problem at a stroke.