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A Jubilee Odyssey
Fantasy Island & Bottons Pleasure Beach


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21st September 2002

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Photo Galleries


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Fantasy Island

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Bottons Pleasure Beach

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Lewis Cox
I enjoy trying out new parks. The usual haunts can become tiresome, and writing Trip Reports becomes increasingly difficult to stop repeating the same things week after week after week. So the ECC trip to Fantasy Island and Botton’s Pleasure Beach proved a welcome opportunity to go exploring two parks that I have heard much about, but never been anywhere near before.

As we arrived at Fantasy Island, I was taken aback by the quality of theming. The way they had made the park look like a market-place was quite breathtaking. Unfortunately, as I realised that it was in fact a real market place, the awe left – but the sense of wonderment and bewilderment that such stores should be using coaster supports to hang fake designer clothes on never left and probably never will.

What can I say? Jubilee Odyssey is a class ride, ruined by unparalleled roughness that really ruins any fun that could be gotten from the track. The first drop is superb. The loop was also great, and so was part of the Cobra Roll, however after this the ride changed from being vaguely graceful, to being an absolute shocker. Even when leaning forward to try and get my head clear of the OTSRs, it still felt like somebody was continually punching the side of your head endlessly for about 30 seconds.

Those who were foolish enough not to see the program that The Beast (Top Scan) was running on, then took a ride – most coming off looking like they had been beaten around the face several times with an Icelandic cod. Like fools, they then rushed onto Volcanic Eruption (shot tower) and proclaimed that it wasn’t intense enough. Hmm, after a six minutes cycle on a Top Scan, I am not at all surprised that the shot tower seemed tame in comparison!

The Storm coaster at Botton’s is very strange. With painful restraints and the added bonus of thinking it was about to fall apart makes this ride stand-out as being the best coaster at the park!

At the risk of sounding soppy, I want to note that all the ECC members were incredibly welcoming. This was only my second trip, but all members made me feel welcome, and I have had several good conversations during the course of today, and hopefully made some new friends for future trips.


Andy Rathe
Thanks to all concerned for organising the trip. Managing to get an hours worth of ERSs extended to two-and-a-quarter wasn’t bad at all either.


Dave Hall
Funniest quote of the trip came from Kerry whilst waiting for G Force – “I’m so scared even my bum is shaking.”


Chris Hayward
I had a great time but can’t remember it all now. My shoulders are still recovering from all my goes on Jubilee Odyssey (all eight of them) but it was worth it (I think).


Mark Riley
Our first Club trip to Fantasy Island was a cracker. To wake the group up in style we began with a 30 minute ERS on the new mega-Inverted coaster Jubilee Odyssey. A foghorn was on hand just in case anyone was still feeling sleepy!

Group takeovers followed on Fantasy Island’s many rides, which include a Reverchon Mouse, Mondial Top Scan dubbed The Beast (which was being run on a six minute program), and the Millennium Coaster.

Around half the group met for a roast meal at The Villager pub just across the road from the park before heading down to Skegness for a side-visit to Botton’s Pleasure Beach.

The day was capped off by an ERS on G-Force. We were due to have a 30 minute ERS but this was extended to well over three times that! The ride was jamming and everyone seemed to enjoy it.


Justin Garvanovic
It must be said that Fantasy Island is a very odd place! Nowhere is this more obvious than when you’re at the top of G-Force, and all you can see are caravans as far as the eye can see, with the oasis that is Fantasy Island stuck in the middle.

It is the success of all these caravans that has fuelled the park’s spending, so long may it continue, as I am sure they’ve not finished yet.
