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Oakwood Overnighter 4

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2-3rd August 2002

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Photo Galleries


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Day 1 – Oakwood

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Day 2 – Oakwood


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Richard Foster
I took my lovely pet dolphin with me, Daphne, planning to spend some quality time with her. Our lives are so busy these days, me with work and her with the SeaWorld show she does.

The morning of Saturday comes and Daphne and I go and try out their gentle new kiddie water ride, called Hydro. I thought it would be a nice slow and dry ride. I think it must have been malfunctioning as I got totally soaked, and the track was bent into an alarming angle – 70 degrees or thereabouts. Daphne was very disappointed too – they wouldn’t let her on the ride despite my pleading. We stood on the bridge to dry off but got soaked again – Daphne had fun though. Eek eek!

Gary McMillan
Just wanted to add my thanks to all concerned for organising a great and memorable trip. Looking forward to Oakwood Overnighter 5 already!

Chris Hull
We couldn’t have asked for better weather – thankfully! The whole weekend was superb.  Anyone who’s been to Oakwood before and missed this trip, well you’re in for a surprise next time you’re there – Hydro really dominates the entrance to the park!
Thanks again to everyone for a great weekend – it’s amazing to see that they just seem to get better each year. Roll on next year!

Peter Davies
I’d just like to echo all the comments made, it was an absolutely stonking weekend and was worth working the overtime for!

Andy Rathe
Thanks must go to Justin, Tom, John and Liz for organising it, James for the BBQ, Stuart for some wonderful chilli, Kev for the vidivan and illuminated condom, and to anyone else who helped that I’ve missed out.

Also, thanks to whoever brought the Roadrunner cartoons. Inspired! The sight of a dozen grown men, sitting in a Welsh field at 02:00 drinking beer and watching Wile Coyote throw rocks onto his head and blow himself up every five minutes was surreal to say the least!

Darren Hoy
Just got home from Oakwood, just a quickie to say what a fabulous weekend. The park was great, the organisation was great, the food was great, Hydro was wet – but great. The campsite was great but not as good as our nice warm hotel(!)

Lee Sullivan
Hydro is mad. I can’t tell you what I said when I turned in to the drive on Friday afternoon! On the boat or on the bridge it’s very wet!

Justin Garvanovic
This year saw the introduction of Hydro into the park, so we just knew that we wanted an ERS on it on Saturday morning. OK, we’d get wet, but the majority of us had spare clothes ready and waiting. It was also very interesting to hear what everyone was saying as they arrived at the park. With Megafobia, you can’t see it until you’re well into the park, Hydro is visible from some way away. Every comment heard needed an exclamation mark!

This was the first year that Kev Winkley brought his video projector and sound system, all set up in his soon dubbed, “Vidi-Van.” It’s now, along with Kev, a trip regular. It did mean that we needed power on the site. This year we used generators, though we have managed to get wired into the park since. One was used for the Vidi-Van, the other for the lighting, speaking of which…

Kev and Terry Lyon took care of the lighting, but Kev caused quite a stir by bringing what could only be described as a huge condom. It was basically a light that inflated itself and became this huge beacon, but it looked very rude! And when the power went off, well, it went all flaccid and garnered even bigger laughs. It was not available in 2003, so we may never see it again.

Also new in 2002 was a campfire. It was an obvious addition to a campsite really! Tom Marshall and I spent ages digging out and lining a fire pit – so that we wouldn’t catch the field on fire. To assist us we borrowed a little petrol driven “buggy” from the park that has become an absolute godsend – it’s almost one of the team now. We used it to collect the firewood and to get the bricks for the fire pit.

The event was getting bigger, and we started to joke that it wouldn’t be long before we had a stage for the bands to appear on. We already have the name – “Oakwoodstock.”

