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White Knuckle Weekend 5


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6-7th July 2002

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Photo Galleries


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6th July – Blackpool Pleasure Beach

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7th July – Blackpool Pleasure Beach

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Richard Griffiths
I would just like to to point out that this year’s staff at BPB are the best I have ever seen; polite, courteous and helpful. I think that the park must have been sending them on customer care courses!

Our day began by watching the Jim’ll Fix It charity ride, which was great fun. I particularly liked the explosion of food that erupted from the car on the way into the loop and the lone flying eclair that flew from the front of the car on the second return trip.

While our fund raisers were cleaning themselves and the car/station down, we headed for the ERS on the Big One which turned out to not be as rough as I remembered from last year. We managed three consecutive rides without getting off.

After the ERS had finished we decided to head off around the park and do the coasters. When we got to the Revolution, the station smelled like a small child’s lunchbox, God knows what the public thought had been happening up there.

After lunch it was time to head to Valhalla with the rest of the Club. John had threatened at lunch that anyone caught wearing a mac would have it ripped off. On approach it appeared that no one had macs. We did though manage to find a group of subversives at the back who were intending on buying macs on the way in, putting them on once John and Justin were well out of the way!

So as the time drew nearer, I kept a watchful eye on John and Justin, smiling sweetly whenever I was looked at. They had just got into their boat, and no sooner had their bums touched the seats then there was a mad rustle of polythene and it turned out about 15 of us were standing in the queue with macs on grinning inanely.

On Sunday, the Grand National was running like an absolute dream, even with the cars not racing that well, the ride was fantastic. On the last ride of the ERS both trains managed to race down the final straight neck and neck, a fitting end to a great ERS.


John Livesey
Who can forget WKW5? It was the one where twelve silly sods got covered in milkshakes and cream cakes! It had been a life-long ambition of mine to replicate the now infamous “Cub Scouts riding the Revolution Jim’ll Fix It ride” and in a chance conversation with Jenni from BPB’s marketing team, I casually asked about us doing it. She said she’d get back to me, and a few days later, much to my surprise, she said yes! We would eat and drink aboard the Revolution to raise money for the Give Kids The World charity. We brought our “food” along; Mark Riley even brought a whole Pavlova! The ride itself was superb, and just how I thought it would be.

One condition of being allowed to do the ride was that we cleaned it up afterwards. So after the messiest fifteen minutes of my life, we set to it. Armed with mops, buckets, hosepipes and cloths we polished the ride until it shone. Even the ride-ops said they had never seen it looking so good!

It was amusing during the day to hear the public talking in the queue about the strange milkshake smell coming from the ride. If only they knew!

Also, this weekend saw the retirement of Dolly aka Brian Robinson. He and I had formed a great friendship in the past three years of WKW trips and it was a great shame to see him step down. I would certainly miss his double entendre banter!
