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Oakwood Overnighter 5
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2nd August 2003
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Stuart Milton
To any members yet to ride Megafobia in the dark, make sure whatever happens that you are there next time. You will not regret it!
James Lloyd
Thanks to all who worked on organising the trip and setting up / decommissioning the campsite. Thanks also to Paddy and all his staff at Oakwood – a great park run by great people.
Trevor Williams
I had been to the park in 2001, so I was already well aware of how great the park was. The trip itself sadly was really bad, a huge disappointment.
Nah just kidding, I had an absolutely brilliant time. Everyone was really friendly and welcoming, I was very soon at ease. The ERS, was mad, the whole trip atmosphere was brilliant.
Simon Baynham
‘Fobia – a very pleasurable out-of-control / out-of-seat experience of which I had never thought possible on a coaster.
Terry Lyon
Megafobia just gets better and better. It’s great fun to ride it with loads of friends – it really is world class.
Thanks to all for their hard work in making the weekend the success it has become.
Mark Riley
I don’t like camping. Why sleep in a field when there’s a nice cosy bed and breakfast just down the road? Three years ago however, I was persuaded to camp at Oakwood during the Club trip; now I can be found on a field during every first weekend in August.
The Oakwood weekend builds in size each year. Thanks to many members’ skills and efforts we now have a jam-packed weekend of events and entertainment. The range is quite extraordinary: you can go ten-pin bowling; you can have an early morning shower on Hydro (accompanied by an inflatable dolphin), or why not go mad in the Crystal Maze? During the evening you can watch various films and slideshows thanks to Kev Winkley’s Vidi-van. Then there’s the mass barbecue managed by James Lawrence, quickly followed by the pub quiz (thanks to Kev again)! Am I forgetting anything? Oh yes, there’s also the small matter of midnight riding on Megafobia!
Thanks to everyone at Oakwood for letting us loose on their park and for being such great hosts. Also thanks to the many members for helping run this year’s trip and for making the Oakwood Overnighter the success it is.
Justin Garvanovic
This year we moved onto a new field, the one next to Hydro, putting us even closer to the park. There were some worries, as it is smaller than the old one, but it worked out perfectly. It also makes the Hydro ERS much easier on everyone as it’s just a very small walk to dry clothes!
We continue to burn Oakwood’s flammable rubbish from the previous year – this year we had two of the biggest campfires ever seen!
Kev Winkley introduced a quiz this year, which I must admit to not being totally sure about. Well it was a huge success, and will definitely be brought back next year.