Spike® Snow Coaster: With skids and spikes through the winter world
Maurer Rides goes skiing and designs a fast Spike coaster for ski resorts and mountain resorts. Airtime over snow-covered hills, a long curve at a quiet lake, a non-inverted loop in the winter forest and, as a surprise, a reverse ride with extra start-up over the mountain.
Maurer Rides has put the motorised snowmobile on the track and presents an interactive snow coaster. The idea is not only aimed at amusement parks, but also opens up the roller coaster feeling for ski areas, resorts and holiday destinations in the mountains.
So get into our agile runabout and out of the station into the snowy winter landscape. It’s a fast ride up over the treetops into the loop – but not really, because in the Non Inverted Loop you keep your head up. It’s a rapid descent and a running jump over the next hill: airtime! Up, down, curves, deep into a gorge and steeply up again towards the rocky peaks – but, oh no! The snowmobile slows down, gets stuck, slides backwards on the rock face … keep cool, everything under control. At the second attempt, the snowmobile also takes the high rock ridge and races over many curves and twists, past the lake, back to the station.
The technical background to this winter action is the patented spike drive. Spike means 100 % traction at every point of the track. The drive sits directly on the vehicle and each rider controls their own speed. At up to 80 km/h (50 mph), it accelerates up the hill to extend the airtime or brakes to enjoy the mountain scenery.
The modern version of the gear drive also gives operators 100 % control, i.e. precise position detection of the vehicles at all times. Only this allows the incredible effect that the coaster doesn’t make it over the rocky peaks in the first attempt – supposedly.
The spike drive even recovers braking energy by means of recuperation and can use it again on the next incline. This is why the snowmobile concept is also suitable for regions that position themselves with the environment and sustainability.
This video gives a first impression: https://youtu.be/02vs29uSvEo or project page: SPIKE® SNOW COASTER – Maurer Rides
For more information about Maurer Rides, please visit www.maurer-rides.de
Technical information:
Coaster type: SPIKE COASTER
Track length: 55m (1804 ft)
Height: 22m (72ft)
Max. Speed: 80km/h (50mph)
Vehicle type: 2-seater Skidoo themed vehicles
No. of vehicles: 6
Travel time: 45 sec
Station time: 27 sec
Dispatch: 12 sec
Capacity: 600pph
- Passengers drive themselves – interactively through SPIKE® Technology
- Reverse driving effect
- Noninverted loop
- Camelback with lots of airtime